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Ava Wood

Busy, Busy, Busy

As I'm preparing for the re release of Forgetting Yesterday and the cover reveal for Return to Yesterday, I've been buried deep in writing as well. I'm currently working on three different projects, two of which are halfway done and one that I'm co writing with my dear friend J. Laslie.

J. Laslie and I are having so much fun working together and we can't wait to share our project in the spring. In the meantime, I've got the release of Return to Yesterday set for November and Remnants of Yesterday for January. And I'm hoping that my two other projects will see winter/spring 2017 releases. My biggest hope is that all of these projects will be ready for my signing at the Louisville Author Event.

So please bear with me as I work through all of my projects. I'm doing my best to get these stories written, polished and released to share with the world! And I'll do my best to keep you updated with each stage of these upcoming projects.

Thanks for joining me for the ride. It may be a bumpy one, but it'll be worth the trip!

Signing off,


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